The Fowls of Matthew 6:26

My eyes on the sky,
I see you fly by.
A pair of fluttering wings
Catch my eye.
Clouds of many kinds
Are stretched abroad,
Yet another pair of wings
Distract my thought.
Blue were the first,
Black the second.
Now a brown pair
Begins to beckon.
One on the rooftop.
One in the trees.
One on the limb,
Shaking the leaves.
The fowls of Matthew 6:26
Are reminding me,
“Don’t look for an escape.
You’re looking out for me.”

10.21.2020 Wednesday
Written by Gail Brookshire

Team Confidence

Confidence… confidence…
Do you despise me?
Or are you the victim
When Satan tries me?
I hear your cry.
I hear your scream.
Yet I seem to join
The other team.
You give me wings
And bid me, “Fly,”
Encourage me,
“Let doubt
Pass you by.”
But then a whisper shouts,
“What are you doing?
You don’t know what’s ahead.
You can’t keep going.”
So to the earth
I descend in fear,
Waiting for
The next step to hear.
As I wonder,
Here or there?
I find myself
Teamed with despair.
A teammate stricken
With so much doubt,
Every direction
Leaves me lingering about.
From time to time
The Spirit whispers, “Listen.
Don’t you realize
Something’s missing?
I gave a guide
And instructed you
To stay nearby
And I’d come through.
But you turned away
And followed doubt.
You have carelessly
Left me out.”
Satan throws
His two cents in,
Tempting me
To just give in.
“Follow your heart.
You’re right in your own eyes.”
But as I stumble and fall,
I feel the pain of his disguise.
So once again on my knees,
The Spirit hears me cry.
He tells me, “Confidence awaits
To restore your wings to fly.”
Ascending heights of faith,
I return to where I belong,
Trusting God’s confidence
That I can be strong.

1-27-2017 Friday
Written by Gail Brookshire