I Am Afraid To Tell ____ .

I am afraid to tell friends or others
About things that I’m ashamed of or regret.
I do understand that it’s the past, and that my friends love me,
But telling them things they couldn’t get past or comprehend
Can eventually cause a whole new struggle for me.
If I am over it, can deal with it, talk about it, write about it,
Or have anything to do with it myself,
Or when I have to with others,
I am quite capable of dealing with it,
Or living with it for the rest of my life,
Alone and mentally healthy.
My scary secrets, or simple regrets,
Need to go with me to my grave,
Or to the heart of a true friend.
Love life and let it be, it lets you be.

3-10-1994 Thursday
Written by Gail Brookshire
Inspiration: Creative Writing Class Spring 1994,
Taught by E.P.